Grout Cleaning For Synthetic And Ceramic Tile Grout
If you are noticing the grout between your ceramic or synthetic tiles is looking dirty, then you are going to want to find a safe way to clean the grout for those types of tiles. While you may not have a hard time keeping your tiles looking great, keeping the grout that holds your tile in place looking great can be a whole other thing.
Grout has a porous surface that attracts and holds on to dirt and stains. This makes it hard to get clean. However, there are some ways you can go about cleaning the grout that may give you the great looking results you are trying to achieve. Here are some ways you can go about cleaning your grout.
Use white vinegar to clean grout
If you are trying to clean the grout that is between ceramic or synthetic tiles, then you can go ahead and try to clean the grout by using vinegar. However, you do not want to try this method if you are trying to clean the grout that is between any type of natural stone.
To make the right vinegar solution to clean the grout, you are going to want to put the vinegar in a spray bottle. You aren't going to want to dilute the white vinegar with water, so it is going to be very strong. This means you should have the area well ventilated, and you should wear some eye goggles to protect your eyes.
Spray the white vinegar directly onto the grout and let it set there for a few minutes. You are going to want to give it enough time on the grout for it to penetrate it. After you feel enough time has passed, then you will want to use a firm brush, such as a hard-bristled toothbrush, to scrub the grout. If you find any areas that are quite a bit dirtier than others, then you can spray more vinegar on those areas and spend more attention on them until you get the stain to come out.
Take a clean moist cloth and your finger to wipe the grout. This is going to show you how the grout is looking now and let you know if the grout is clean or if you are going to need to give it a second go-round. If you aren't able to get the grout looking the way you want, then it may be time to call in a company like Arnold's Advanced Carpet Cleaning.