Moving into Your Dream Home

When I married my sweet spouse nearly twelve years ago, I moved into a new home with him. While I was excited to be living with my husband for the first time, I was disappointed at how much cleaning my new place needed. Have you recently purchased your dream home? Before you unpack your boxes, consider hiring a reputable cleaning service. The experienced technicians at this type of service can make your new home sparkly clean. They can mop floors, wash windows, scrub commodes, and clean appliances. On this blog, I hope you will discover the benefits of hiring a cleaning service before moving into a new place. Enjoy!

Cleaning Your Stainless Steel Appliances And Surfaces

5 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Stainless steel looks great in your kitchen. The surfaces are very durable and easy to maintain but if you don't clean them from time to time, they can start to lose that luster. Wiping them down to get rid of germs and other contaminants that might be on the surface is fine but to really clean the stainless steel, you need a good polish and a little elbow grease. Where To Find Stainless Steel Polish Read More …

Three Tips For Keeping Your Office Clean

20 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Keeping your office clean will be important for the safety and comfort of both your workers and clients. While this is an essential aspect of managing your enterprise, it can also be somewhat time-consuming, but there are some tips that you can use to greatly improve your efficiency when it comes to keeping your business clean. Appreciate The Benefits Of Regularly Dusting Dusting the interior of your office can provide you with some noticeable benefits. Read More …

Getting The Dirt On When You Should Have Your Home’s Carpet Professionally Cleaned

7 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Ask a group of homeowners how often they should have their carpeting professionally cleaned and you will probably get several different answers. For the most part, it is a good idea to have your home's carpet professionally cleaned annually. However, this is not a one-size-fits-all rule. There are some instances when having your carpet cleaned by a professional carpet cleaning company is a logical move. Here is a look at some of the situations at home that should be reminders for you to have your carpet cleaned even if it has already been professionally cleaned for the year. Read More …

How To Clean A Chenille Sofa

28 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

 If you have a dirty chenille sofa, you can clean it yourself, but since it is delicate, you must use caution to avoid damage. Chenille fabric is made from rayon, silk, wool, or cotton, or  mixture of the materials. Chenille sofas commonly last a long time in spite of their delicate nature. Follow this guide to clean your chenille sofa. Prepare to Clean the Sofa You need the following materials to clean the sofa: Read More …

2 Benefits Of Hiring An Office Cleaning Service

26 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Having an office of your own is a big responsibility, and you will often need to help in order to ensure that it is running successfully. Unfortunately, cleaning is generally not something that is put on top of the list in terms of importance in an office environment, but it definitely should be. There are so many negative side effects that come along with having a dirty office space. One type of service that you may want to hire to help you out is an office cleaning service like Pap  Pap's Cleaning Service, LLC. Read More …